Viewing Sequence ownership information in Postgres

Tue, May 7, 2019

This blog post is an exercise in identifying all the sequences in a PostgreSQL database that is associated with a table column via an OWNED BY relationship. Figuring out how to do this was harder than it should have been and this journals my understanding of it.

When I first started looking at this, I ended up at this Stack Overflow answer from 2012. While that seemed to work, it is fair to say that I had no idea what it did. So, I set out to understand it and hopefully improve it.

We will start by creating a table that we will later associate a sequence with.

     id   BIGINT NOT NULL,

Next, we will create a sequence that is not going to be owned by any columns - a freehanging sequence.

CREATE SEQUENCE freehanging;

Postgres stores sequences across two different catalogs - pg_sequence and pg_class. Catalog pg_sequence contains sequence parameters like seqstart, seqincrement etc. The rest of the information gets stored in pg_class catalog with the seqlrelid column in pg_sequence pointing to the corresponding pg_class entry.

=> \x
Expanded display is on.

FROM   pg_sequence;

-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------
seqrelid     | 41000
seqtypid     | 20
seqstart     | 1
seqincrement | 1
seqmax       | 9223372036854775807
seqmin       | 1
seqcache     | 1
seqcycle     | f

That has the information that Postgres can use, but it does not look particularly useful to a human being. Luckily, Postgres provides a view named pg_sequences that shows us more information.

FROM   pg_sequences;

-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------
schemaname    | public
sequencename  | freehanging
sequenceowner | todo
data_type     | bigint
start_value   | 1
min_value     | 1
max_value     | 9223372036854775807
increment_by  | 1
cycle         | f
cache_size    | 1
last_value    |

We can query pg_class with our seqrelid:

FROM   pg_class
WHERE  relfilenode = 41000;

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+------------
relname             | freehanging
relnamespace        | 2200
reltype             | 41001
reloftype           | 0
relowner            | 24576
relam               | 0
relfilenode         | 41000
reltablespace       | 0
relpages            | 1
reltuples           | 1
relallvisible       | 0
reltoastrelid       | 0
relhasindex         | f
relisshared         | f
relpersistence      | p
relkind             | S
relnatts            | 3
relchecks           | 0
relhasoids          | f
relhasrules         | f
relhastriggers      | f
relhassubclass      | f
relrowsecurity      | f
relforcerowsecurity | f
relispopulated      | t
relreplident        | n
relispartition      | f
relrewrite          | 0
relfrozenxid        | 0
relminmxid          | 0
relacl              |
reloptions          |
relpartbound        |

We can create a second sequence we want to associate with the users table.

=> CREATE SEQUENCE users_id_seq;


This will now show up in our queries.

FROM   pg_sequence;

-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------
seqrelid     | 41000
seqtypid     | 20
seqstart     | 1
seqincrement | 1
seqmax       | 9223372036854775807
seqmin       | 1
seqcache     | 1
seqcycle     | f
-[ RECORD 2 ]+--------------------
seqrelid     | 41002
seqtypid     | 20
seqstart     | 1
seqincrement | 1
seqmax       | 9223372036854775807
seqmin       | 1
seqcache     | 1
seqcycle     | f

FROM   pg_sequences;

-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------
schemaname    | public
sequencename  | freehanging
sequenceowner | todo
data_type     | bigint
start_value   | 1
min_value     | 1
max_value     | 9223372036854775807
increment_by  | 1
cycle         | f
cache_size    | 1
last_value    |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+--------------------
schemaname    | public
sequencename  | users_id_seq
sequenceowner | todo
data_type     | bigint
start_value   | 1
min_value     | 1
max_value     | 9223372036854775807
increment_by  | 1
cycle         | f
cache_size    | 1
last_value    |

We can perform a join on these catalogs.

=> SELECT seqclass.relname,
FROM   pg_class AS seqclass
       JOIN pg_sequence AS seq
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = seqclass.relfilenode );

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------
relname     | freehanging
relfilenode | 41000
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------
relname     | users_id_seq
relfilenode | 41002

We can go ahead and associate the new sequence with the users table by specifying OWNED BY. By setting OWNED BY, we are specifying that if the column is dropped, we want the sequence to be dropped as well.

=> ALTER SEQUENCE users_id_seq OWNED BY;


This association is recorded by Postgres in the pg_depend catalog, using an a dependency type.


The dependent object can be dropped separately from the referenced object, and should be automatically dropped (regardless of RESTRICT or CASCADE mode) if the referenced object is dropped. Example: a named constraint on a table is made autodependent on the table, so that it will go away if the table is dropped.

FROM   pg_depend
WHERE  objid = 41002
       AND deptype = 'a';

-[ RECORD 1 ]------
classid     | 1259
objid       | 41002
objsubid    | 0
refclassid  | 1259
refobjid    | 40997
refobjsubid | 1
deptype     | a

We can also verify that the freehanging sequence has no dependencies of type a.

FROM   pg_depend
WHERE  objid = 41000
       AND deptype = 'a';

(0 rows)

Now that we have a dependency identified for this relationship, we can verify that the dependency is indeed with the users table. For this, we will query using the dependency’s refobjid.

FROM   pg_class
WHERE  relfilenode = 40997;

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+------
relname             | users
relnamespace        | 2200
reltype             | 40999
reloftype           | 0
relowner            | 24576
relam               | 0
relfilenode         | 40997
reltablespace       | 0
relpages            | 0
reltuples           | 0
relallvisible       | 0
reltoastrelid       | 0
relhasindex         | f
relisshared         | f
relpersistence      | p
relkind             | r
relnatts            | 2
relchecks           | 0
relhasoids          | f
relhasrules         | f
relhastriggers      | f
relhassubclass      | f
relrowsecurity      | f
relforcerowsecurity | f
relispopulated      | t
relreplident        | d
relispartition      | f
relrewrite          | 0
relfrozenxid        | 5021
relminmxid          | 1
relacl              |
reloptions          |
relpartbound        |

We can indeed see that the dependency is on the users table.

What about the column associated with this dependency? Postgres stores information about table columns in pg_attribute catalog. We can verify that the dependency is on the id column, by querying pg_attribute.

FROM   pg_attribute
WHERE  attrelid = 40997
       AND attnum = 1;

-[ RECORD 1 ]-+------
attrelid      | 40997
attname       | id
atttypid      | 20
attstattarget | -1
attlen        | 8
attnum        | 1
attndims      | 0
attcacheoff   | -1
atttypmod     | -1
attbyval      | t
attstorage    | p
attalign      | d
attnotnull    | t
atthasdef     | f
atthasmissing | f
attidentity   |
attisdropped  | f
attislocal    | t
attinhcount   | 0
attcollation  | 0
attacl        |
attoptions    |
attfdwoptions |
attmissingval |

We can see that the column corresponding to the dependency is indeed id.

Our join can now be improved to use this information. First, we will add the table name:

=> SELECT seqclass.relname     AS sequence_name,
       seqclass.relfilenode AS sequenceref,
       dep.refobjid         AS depobjref,
       depclass.relname     AS table_name
FROM   pg_class AS seqclass
       JOIN pg_sequence AS seq
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = seqclass.relfilenode )
       JOIN pg_depend AS dep
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = dep.objid )
       JOIN pg_class AS depclass
         ON ( dep.refobjid = depclass.relfilenode );

-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------
sequence_name | users_id_seq
sequenceref  | 41002
depobjref    | 40997
table_name    | users

We have to join twice on the pg_class catalog - once to get the sequence’s columns and once to get the dependency’s columns. This leaves us with the name of the table and the sequence name.

Finally, we can perform a join on pg_attribute to get column information.

=> SELECT seqclass.relname     AS sequence_name,
       seqclass.relfilenode AS sequenceref,
       dep.refobjid         AS depobjref,
       depclass.relname     AS tabl_ename,
       attrib.attname       AS column_name
FROM   pg_class AS seqclass
       JOIN pg_sequence AS seq
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = seqclass.relfilenode )
       JOIN pg_depend AS dep
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = dep.objid )
       JOIN pg_class AS depclass
         ON ( dep.refobjid = depclass.relfilenode )
       JOIN pg_attribute AS attrib
         ON ( attrib.attnum = dep.refobjsubid
              AND attrib.attrelid = dep.refobjid );

-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------
sequence_name | users_id_seq
sequenceref   | 41002
depobjref     | 40997
table_name    | users
column_name   | id

We can drop sequenceref and depobjref from the result as it is not of particular interest to us when reporting this.

=> SELECT seqclass.relname AS sequence_name,
       depclass.relname AS table_name,
       attrib.attname   AS column_name
FROM   pg_class AS seqclass
       JOIN pg_sequence AS seq
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = seqclass.relfilenode )
       JOIN pg_depend AS dep
         ON ( seq.seqrelid = dep.objid )
       JOIN pg_class AS depclass
         ON ( dep.refobjid = depclass.relfilenode )
       JOIN pg_attribute AS attrib
         ON ( attrib.attnum = dep.refobjsubid
              AND attrib.attrelid = dep.refobjid );

-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------
sequenc_ename | users_id_seq
table_name    | users
column_name   | id

Postgres versions before 10

The pg_sequence catalog was introduced in Postgres 10. For versions before 10, we need another way to get hold of the sequence’s representation in pg_class so that we can look up the dependencies. Luckily, pg_class has a column relkind that holds this informations. For a sequence, this column will be S. We can use this in the join instead of pg_sequence.

=> SELECT seqclass.relname AS sequence_name,
       depclass.relname AS table_name,
       attrib.attname   as column_name
FROM   pg_class AS seqclass
       JOIN pg_depend AS dep
         ON ( seqclass.relfilenode = dep.objid )
       JOIN pg_class AS depclass
         ON ( dep.refobjid = depclass.relfilenode )
       JOIN pg_attribute AS attrib
         ON ( attrib.attnum = dep.refobjsubid
              AND attrib.attrelid = dep.refobjid )
WHERE  seqclass.relkind = 'S';

-[ RECORD 1 ]-+-------------
sequence_name | users_id_seq
table_name    | users
column_name   | id

This seems like information that should be surfaced by Postgres in an easier to access way. In fact there is a patch from 2008 that would have introduced this capability. When Postgres 10 introduced the pg_sequences catalog, it stopped at surfacing the id of the user who owns the sequence.